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7 Smart Tips for Improving Your Golf Swing

For All Golf Enthusiasts

By David BarnesPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

If you are looking to improve your golf game, working on your swing is probably the best way to do that. Once you get the swing down, the rest of it will tend to fall into place, since your swing will tie into how you stand, and how you approach the ball. If you are not confident about your swing, that can create head games that you play with yourself that keep you from doing your best, so you should consider this list of ways to improve your swing, and see if any of them might work for you.

1. Fix your posture.

A big part of how you swing is how you hold your body. If you don’t have the right pose or posture, then you can’t put decent power behind the swing, and you may not be able to hit very accurately. The posture determines your through the line, or where the movement of your body goes as you swing at the ball.

Your posture affects every part of your body. A proper stance will have stiff arms, but loose hands. This allows you to have both control and power at once. You should arch your back slightly, and give yourself enough distance from the ball. If you are not sure about your pose, then get some training from a skilled professional to ensure you have this essential part down.

2. Get a grip.

You also want to have a strong grip on your club. If the club slips as you swing, it will mess up the shot. Part of ensuring a good grip is to have the right equipment, and resources like Wired Golfers can show you what gear to buy in order to get the best results. You want gloves that are not too tight, too warm, or too loose, as that can affect how sweaty your hands become, how stiff they feel, or how slippery the club is in your hands.

3. Work out.

While golf may seem like a sedentary sport, it can be a bit of a workout, with all the swinging and walking you have to do. It’s a sport you should prepare to play, and that means doing some exercises in preparation. If you build up your arm and back muscles, then you can pull off a more powerful swing, and you will have more powerful hits as well. Push-ups, and other arm strengthening exercises, can do wonders for your arms and back, and if you run or swim every so often, that can help with your endurance, and keep you playing at your best for longer.

4. Use the right clubs.

Your gloves are important to your swing, but even more important is having the right club. There is plenty of research you can do about when to use which clubs, and what kind of clubs are the most effective for your playstyle, but you can also talk to other golfers, and get their ideas on clubs to play with. A good way to figure out what works for you is to rent clubs at golf courses, and test out a few different kinds before you determine what is a good fit.

5. Have a set pre-swing routine.

Before you make each shot, you should have a short period of preparation. You may do a quick stretch, make a few practice swings, or simply visualize the shot you are going to make. This is something you need to get down and maintain focus on, because if you miss a shot, you will want to throw out your routine in frustration. However, a good pre-swing routine will keep you in the game, and help you refocus when you are distracted and upset.

6. Play smart with your swings.

There is temptation, after a bad shot, to try to make up for it with what is called a “hero shot.” You may want to get your game back to where you expected it to be at that point, but you are better off just playing it safe, and sticking to shots that you know. Play the long game, and take your time with each shot, playing it safe instead of risking it all on a shot that you have not practiced.

7. Use a shallow approach.

One of the most common mistakes made with swings is swinging too deep. This can cause you to chunk the shot and hit the ground before you make impact with the ball. It will send your ball flying erratically without the proper speed and direction. It is safer to go for a shallow swing, ensuring you hit the ball on the upswing. That way, if you miss, you can at least get a chance to swing again rather than having to follow after a bad shot that should not have been made in the first place.

Hopefully, these help you to improve your swing, and feel more confident when you are out on the course.

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